C++ GPC API Reference

The gpc::qumex<class DataType> and gpc::qumex<class KeyType, class DataType> classes as well as the gpc::fork<class Function> function constitute Generic Parallel Computing (GPC) API. See also Reduction/MapReduce.

template<class F>
void gpc::fork(F&& function);
Submit the function to the thread pool. A thread from the pool will call the function. Submitted functions are ordered FIFO.
template<class F>
void gpc::qumex::join(F&& function);
Submit the function to the queue of mutual exclusion. A thread from the thread pool will call the function. At any moment of time only one thread can process a queue of mutual exclusion, but at different times different threads can process the same queue. Submitted functions are ordered FIFO.
template<class F>
void gpc::qumex::join(const KeyType& key, F&& function);
Submit the function to the queue of mutual exclusion identified by the key. A thread from the thread pool will call the function. At any moment of time only one thread can process a queue of mutual exclusion, but at different times different threads can process the same queue. Submitted functions are ordered FIFO.
gpc::mutex<class DataType>
gpc::mutex<class DataType, class KeyType>
Arguments of the join callback functions.

Example #1 (parallel database queries):


// an HTTP entry
void SomeHttpHandler::Process(tef::RequestContext& http) const
    gpc::qumex<Foo*> qmx;

    while( /* condition */ ) 
        // do parallel database queries
        // while an HTTP context is referenced, the response is not sent.
        gpc::fork([http, qmx]() 
                struct Record
                    tef::db::type<__int64> uid;
                    tef::db::type<wchar_t, 30> usr;
                tef::Db<Record> db(L"ms");
                db << L"select UID, USR from ROOT where ...";
                db >> db->uid >> db->usr ... ;
                Foo* data;
                while( db.Fetch() ) 
                    // prepare some data

                // merge the results and respond when it is done
                qmx.join([http, data](gpc::mutex<Foo*>& state) mutable 
                    // exclusive access to the state, so let's merge and set
                    // exclusive access to the HTTP context also
                    if( data.count == /* condition */ ) 
                        http.Output << state.getData();
            } catch(std::exception& e) 
                qmx.join([http, e](gpc::mutex<Foo*>& state) mutable 
                    // exclusive access to the HTTP context
                    http.Output << e.what();
                    http.Output.End(500); // it sends the response when there are no references to the HTTP context.

Example #2 (concurrency control):

// in the global scope
gpc::qumex<int, Foo*> gQmx;

// an HTTP entry
void SomeHttpHandler::Process(tef::RequestContext& http) const
    int someId = http.Input["someId"];

    gQmx.join(someId, [http](gpc::mutex<Foo*, int>& state) mutable 
        // exclusive access to the state identified by the someId
        // then
        http.Output << 123;
        // it sends the response (200) automatically when there are no references to the HTTP context.

See Also:

C++ API Reference

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